QuestionI have either the option of going with a sound alarm connected to a starter kill or an immobilizer...whats the difference and how effective is either? I was told that it would take 15 minutes to half an hour to re-connect wires that are changed if a thief really wanted my car.
I have a 1992 Nissan Pathfinder with electric locks.
starter kill relay
Ok, to start with, this vehicle
This means there is no factory security.
That being said, starter kill is a relay installed
with a car alarm that would be activated by a negative
trigger output from the alarm when it triggers,
or if the ignition is off and the alarm is armed.
(see attached pic.)
An immobilizer is an electronic system installed
by the factory and has 2 matching ignition key fobs.
When the key goes in the ignition, the reader in the
switch allows the fuel rail to open. It very unlikely
this trype would be retro fitted to your vehicle for
less then 1000. So iI am thinking the device they are
discussing is an after market "key" in the slot under
the steering column set up. Which is a starter kill relay
and keys designed to complete the circuit so you can
start. I sell them here on my site at (see Micro Lock)
If given a choice thow, get an alarm with starter kill.
That way it's all remote and with fresh fobs.
That's the best, overall way to deal with your
protcetion I'd think.
I hope this was helpful.