QuestionI bought a 93 Grand Cherokee cash a couple months ago. I didnt know it had a car alarm. It always started without any problems. Today I turned it off and a friend got into the car shut the door. The driver side window went up by itself without the key turned on. Then when I was leaving it made a beeping noise when I turned the key to start it. Then after tryin to start it 3-4 times it started beeping very loud. I don't have any information or contact number on the person who sold it to me. How can I Disarm it or disconnect it safely?
AnswerThank you for visiting ALARMTEK ONLINE.
I do appreciate your predicament,
however, due to the sensitive nature of this
question, and it's answer, we have been
asked not to share this information openly here
at .
If used in the commission
of a crime, I & they can be held liable for damages,
so that's not going to happen.
Sorry about that,
but to combat that issue,
I sell this info privately
now as part of how I make a living online.
This data to disable or extract & repair is
now available on my site at
for a modest fee so I can
keep track where the information
goes in case of an auto theft investigation.
This protects me & ALLXPERTS and gives you a
place to safely get that information.
Please go there
and use the link that best suits your needs and I will
be happy to help you straighten out your particular issue
if it's at all possible.
Thank you for your question, and your understanding
in this matter.
Yours electronically,