QuestionQUESTION: Installed 12 of 2006 in 2000 Impala LS 3.8, after disassembling dashboard to the firewall to replace heater core and evaporator and reassemble it all, the auto start does not work correctly. It starts the engine runs for about 4 seconds which is about the time it should send a signal that the engine is running but it doesn't and the engine dies then it sends a signal that the engine is off, the remote still locks and unlocks doors. The battery was disconnected and I unplugged the auto start brain and set that on the shelf so it wouldn't get damaged. I didn't find any broken or unplugged wires or connectors. Any ideas
ANSWER: Sounds like whatever bypass kit was used to bypass the PASSLOCK 2 system
lost it's programming when the vehicle was powered down.
Go back in there and re do the bypass kit's
programming and you should be right as rain again.
Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: the bypass kit is a PLJX, bought the complete system from Alarmtek Dec, 2006. I reprogrammed the bypass kit and it didn't work, the instructions showed 3 different ways to program it, I tried them all and the engine still dies. I did try with the engine running with the key, I pushed the remote start button to auto run so I can turn the key off and pull the key out and the engine should still keep running but it died. The bypass programs like it should with the led flashing as the instructions say or could this bypass have a problem,
AnswerDoubtful. All things being equal, one would have
to as how it failed, right? If it's a manufacturer defect, it's
covered. My warranty is 1 year over the counter exchange.
You can certainly try to replace with a new one,
(yours is almost 7 years old now after all)
for 65.00 to see if it is the PLJX, but if not,
it sounds as if it's procedural. When programming, did you remove
the brown wire until programming is completed or not?