Car Alarms: 2000 Nisszn Xterra car alarm, nissan xterra, dash lights

I have a 2000 Nissan Xterra and recently the drivers door lock has been getting more difficult to unlock.  Today, I tried to unlock it and the key would not turn...After several tries, I tried the other doors and found one unlocked.  So I entered the car and the horn started beeping and the headlights started flashing...I climbed to the front and hit the unlock switch for the doors and then tried the key in the ignition.  The dash lights lit up but the ignition would not turn over... Is this part of the disabling of the system?  The key will not turn in the door, will I have to have the lock replaced to get the car operational, again?

The short answer is fix the drivers lock system as
it also controls the OEM/FACTORY system.

Key in any door, Turn hard left then
right with the key. That should disarm
the OEM alarm. Fixing the drivers door
is imparitive to bringing the alarm back
to normal operation, and your overall safety.

I hope this helps you out.