Car Alarms: Scytek Astra 4000RS-2W-1, valet mode, scytek

I've got the entire system wired up according the manual that is available on Scytek's site. My problem is that I can't get into the programming menu. When attempting to access the menu by hitting the valet button 5 times with the ignition on, the led verifies the 5 pushes of the button, but all that happens is that there is a page sent to the remote. Also can't add a remote, or set to valet mode. It's almost as if the system isn't recognizing the fact that the ignition is on. Any ideas?

You might have solved this yourself!

The proper ignition source is vatal.
I'd check the first and second ignition connections
carefully. Depending on the vehicle, you may need
more than 1, and be sure it's the correct wire
color as well.