Car Alarms: 2002 mazda protege alarm, mazda protege, precise answer

Yesterday i opened my car door with the spare key and the alarm went off. The next morning the car would not start so i replaced the battery in the car and the key fob & still no luck. I am trying to figure out how to reset the car....i can start it with a jump but then the engine cuts off (antitheft I assume) I followed the steps to reset with the valet bypass... Any thoughts? Thanks

Hmmm, Not my area of expertise, so for
this one, I'd like to have you write
to my friend and collegue Robert M.
in my Forum at [email protected]

Please email him and restate this question
& I am sure he will be happy to assist.

He's very good about getting back
to folks quickly


If anyone can give you a decent
and precise answer for you on this,
it's going to be Robert.

Good luck.