Car Alarms: 1996 Buick Park Ave Car Alarm, buick park ave, yr model

QUESTION: My car alarm has started to go off randomly. I can not find much information about this online for my yr/model vehicle. It just started and it goes off even when the car doors are not locked and the alarm is not set. Today I took the car to the local dealership and was told they couldn't find anything wrong, a diagnostics test was done and a few other things checked. I have no idea what to do about this problem if even the dealership can't fix it. It is driving me crazy and making my neighbors very upset because it goes off at all hours of the day & night!! Please HELP!

ANSWER: Please be more descriptive if possible.


I need to determine whether it's a factory alarm
issue or, if it's an aftermarket system you are
dealing with.

Ok let's clear up the terminology glitch here.

1. FACTORY/OEM alarm = Part of the original schematics
and plans from the manufacturer.
(horn honk, head lights flash, Starter may crank and
die, no spark)

2. DEALER INSTALLED alarm = Just that. Once the vehicle
is brought to a dealer, the dealer sub contracts the after market
security out.
(horn might honk, siren and parking lights flash, starter kill relay,
no start, no crank, just dead.)

3. AFTER MARKET alarm: Same as #2 but Customer IS AWARE that
the system was put in at the dealership, but may not
be informed of the brand name, or even what it's
total capabilities are.
(siren & parking lights flash, starter kill)

Which one applies to yours?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is a Factory Alarm. Horn Honks, Lights Flash.

Thanks for your help!

My best guess is it's likely to be a bad VATS system acting up.
The car is old and parts do ware out.

Have a look at and see what I mean.

This may be from damage to the doors, (door pin switches) but if none is apparent,
then I would look at bypassing the VATS (GM'S VEHICLE ANTI THEFT SYSTEM)
all together so you don't have this issue any longer.

Good luck with it.