Car Alarms: 2003 Toyota Rav 4 car alarm, toyota rav 4, key fobs

I own a 2003 Rav4 with a factor car alarm.  Battery died several days ago, got it charged, and ran fine.  Noticed when trying to jump it that the alarm kept going off and I couldn't crank engine.  Today, connector got loose off of a post and when I put it back on, car wouldn't start but alarm kept going.  Battery is fine but told that alarm may be the problem as to why the car wouldn't start today.  Disconnected battery completely and then put back on.  car started but alarm keeps going off when I open doors.  Was told to get electrical checked to see if alarm is problem.  I can't find in owners manual how to deactivate alarm as key fobs have not worked in years.  Never been a problem before now.  I need to know is there a way to manually pull the plug on the alarm so this won't happen again?  Help please..on limited budget and can't get to a shop for some time.

I am away from my desk for the next couple of days.
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