Car Alarms: Passkey III, passkey iii, pontiac bonneville

I recently decided to repair my wife’s air conditioning and decided to do it the hard way. I took the dashboard completely apart. It is a 2000 Pontiac Bonneville. The idea was to make the automatic climate control into a manual one. Well, now that everything is back together the security system seems to be stopping me from starting the car. The security light flashes and flashes and flashes some more. I jumped the starter relay and it started for 2 seconds and the fuel quit. Now it won’t start at all. Don’t know about the relearn procedure and apparently (according to what I’ve found while searching) I have to clear the security codes first. Now, the question is, do I have to clear the codes before I install your pro bypass system? As I said before, currently it won’t start at all… the starter won’t even try to roll the engine over.I’m at wits end trying to figure this out. Can you give me some advice?

Yeah unfortunately, since it's in long tamper mode now, GM would need
to reset the transponder first. Get it started and have 2 programmed ignition
keys or you can not do a bypass.

Most GM's can, Passkey 3 is like Ford's transponder in
that there is no simple way to circumvent.

Sorry about that. Once the criteria is met
however, you can use the XK06 or if you can locate
one, the gmbp can be used.