QuestionI have a major problem with my truck,
i had locked the doors using the button inside the car and upon closing the doors the alarm armed itself. (i know this because off a little red light flashing on the dash). Usually i twist the key in the lock and the lights pop on in the car and the red light ceases to flash and then i can be on my way. Yesterday, the alarm armed itself and when i turn the key in the lock it would not disarm the alarm, so everytime i open the door the alarm goes off. There is also a killswitch on the engine so i can turn the car on but it kills the engine a second after.
its an old car so there may be some problems with the wiring.
this is also the second time this problem came back. the first time i brought it to the dealership and they told me they had to replace all the door sensors and even that may not work. I told them to replace the drivers door sensor, it didn't work. I had told them that i simply need them to cut a wire and disactivate the alarm. They told me this was impossible because the alarm is hooked up to the master control panel (something like that) and that you cant just cut a wire. Long story short just as i was about to tow my car to another garage, the dealership called and miraculously told me they cut a wire. This deactivated the alarm however left the dome lights on when a key was removed from the engine. however most importantly i was able to drive the car.
A few weeks later i brought my car to my garage and to fix the light problem he somehow reconnected a wire which caused the alarm to set again however now when i would twist the key the light would turn on, the alarm would turn off and i would be fine to drive.
yesterday all of a sudden twisting the key didnt turn off the alarm so i was back at square one.
this problem is so stressful since the people i bring it to have no clue how to fix it.
I have a few options.. i know this garage that installs electronics such as speakers(far away, the guy told me that he could hook something into the maser control panel and disable the alarm function entirely without touching the wires.. I dont know if he can and am skeptical to tow my car all the way out there for him to tell me its not working.
i dont expect to use this car for much longer but it would be amazing if i could get back to the 1st fix where the alarm was dissactivated and the lights stayed on(i could deal with that problem)
Another thing i have thought about was somehow getting a new remote key from the dealership and that may be able to disactivate the alarm wirelessly but i do not have too much faith in this method.
This is really stressing me and a quick cheap fix would be amazing however no one knows what to do..
plz if you have any ideas let me know
AnswerThat's hard to say what the problem could
be without first hand inspection. If you
would, restate this question in my installers
forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project.
More eyes on this may shake
an idea loose.
They can go into a more detailed assistance
you might need on this project.
Good luck there.