QuestionQUESTION: My car's alarm sometimes goes off randomly. Usually, it will do it two or three days in a row at around the same time (e.g. this summer for three days in a row it went off at 7 am each day). It just so happens that it does it either really late at night or very early in the morning.
My alarm went off randomly, with no one around, at 10 pm last night. In my past experience with the car, the alarm has not sounded twice in one 24 hr period, but it went off again at 4 am this morning. It was a very unpleasant (and embarrassing) experience. How can I disable this alarm completely so I never have to hear it again?
I'm a student, so I leave my car in one spot for most of the day, not being able to check on it, and usually not in range to hear it or stop it. I need to be secure in knowing that while I'm in class a half-mile away from my car, it won't be causing the neighborhood and the college campus a bunch of bother.
Thanks for your time.
ANSWER: Please be more descriptive if possible.
I need to determine whether it's a factory alarm
issue or, if it's an aftermarket system you are
dealing with.
Is it: Headlights flashing, car horn honking
and a worded SECURITY" light in the dash flashing?
(doubtfull since none of the notes show this
car as having a factory alarm system)=FACTORY
is it: flashing parking lights,
an LED in the dash area, and a siren
going off?= AFTER MARKET
Let me know more on this to better
advise you on a course of action
to take.
Best Regards,
Robert Martin
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The parking lights flash and it must be a siren because it doesn't quite sound like my horn, sounds in unison with the flashing, also, a red light that reads "THEFT" blinks on and off in the dash.
Sorry about the lack of detail.
AnswerIt sounds like there are 2 systems at work here.
Best thing is to identify what we have here
by going to the nearest car alarm shop
to have it inspected and corrected if possible.
I can't inspect it from here, but
it sounds like there is an after market and the factory
system working in there.
Have it looked at to verify.