Questionokay i have a 2004 hyundai xg350l and there's like a box with 4 numbers 1234 and a green light. well that green light turned red last night and my car wont start now what do i do? plaese help me!!
AnswerPlease don't take this the wrong way,
but without the code, you'd need to extract
and repair so you can start this truck.
It's not something I can or would share online.
It's a keypad kill system and as far as I know, it's in there
as a deterent for a "buy here pay here" sort of finance system.
(Don't pay, no code comes to your email/phone or address=no start
until you do pay.)
This is a dilema for me as I can not willingly help you
circumvent it without implicating myself in a possible
crime or breach of inteneded security.
So, best thing is to tow it to the nearest car alarm shop
and have them do they're thing to help you.
Wish I could help more.