QuestionQUESTION: I bought an Astra 1000 rs 2 way about 4 years ago. You helped me with installation and it has worked great until this year. Now, it wont start the truck. It cranks as it should for 2 or 3 seconds but never starts. It repeats this several times before giving up. Also, The parking lights use to flash before it would attempt to start. They do not flash now. Also, they used to flash once for locking the truck and twice for unlocking, again, they dont flash at all now.
Also, in my 2 way remote the AAA batteries go completely dead after about 3-4 days. Also the 2 way remote never gives me a confirmation beep like it used to when the truck is unlocked or locked.
The lights and remote thing I guess I can live with but I wish it would still start my truck. Is there anythign I can do? If I were to buy another Astra 1000RS 2 way, would it plug into the old wire harness to where I would not have to rewire everything?
Could this just be the truck is harder to start now that it is getting older?
I really appreciate any help!
ANSWER: What vehicle is this in? If it required a bypass kit, you may have lost programming on the nodule if it powered down
sometime along the way. That needs to be looked into to begin with.
On the remotes, you need to contact Scytek on this
at 800 693-7505 for replacements if it's a manufacturer
flaw. If damaged from use, then you'd need to replace them
at your own cost.
But after 4 years of use, you would need to go to
Scytek for that.
& yes buying a new system is plug n play as
long as all other variables are in order.
The bypass kit in line is the first thing to
inspect for issues.
Let me know what vehicle/year/model you have and we can
better determine what to do at that point.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: There is no bypass kit. It is a 1996 chevy silverado automatic 4x4.
The remote works I just dont get a confirmation beep. The truck is trying to start. It just does not with the amount of cranking the remote start does. If the cranking were to last a second or two more I think it would start.
Is there anythign I can do? How much is a new system that would be plug and play?
ANSWER: The confirmation beep may be because it's not starting remotely.
(No start, no confirmation)
Changing the cranking time won't do what you want here.
Seems like a disconnect somewhere in the wiring.
I'd go over all the wiring first.
Without inspection, hard to say why it stopped working.
(looking for cause and effect).
I'd say yes. if all things are equal here, another
1000 can be plugged in the old harness and with fresh
remotes, you would essentially be starting over with
an all new system. :>)
The ASTRA 1000 2 way systems are 109.95 +s&h at .
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I do not get the confirmation when the doors lock or unlock either. Nor do the parking lights flash in either case. What part of the wirign should I look for first? I will say when I installed this system I was meticulous and soldered everything?
I guess there is no point in buying a new system if you think it is the wiring.
Could it be what I said early now that the truck is older it is takign longer to start? Is there any way to increase the cranking time?
AnswerCould be all of those things. If no tach was used, you
may want to go that way, but again, spit balling here
without inspecting it, it's all guess work.
Sounds like a burnt brain box or inline fuse.
Something is not engaging the remote starter
and the remote is acting as if there is no
signal being sent at all.
My guess is the power on the one of the main
power leads is blown, or there is simply a
failure in the electronics and it will need
to be repaired or replaced.
(If the truck cranks right up with the key,
it's the remote starter not the age of the truck
that's the problem.)