QuestionI've seen your answer (i.e., ground the light green/black wire with silver dots running from the theft control module) but a local auto electric shop doesn't want to do this without an explanation/or wiring diagram (i.e., how affect the horn/ignition relays). I know that just disconnecting the wires from the module acts as a kill switch and the car won't start. Please explain why grounding the wire will work. THANKS!!!Dealer not helpful
AnswerOk, This system depends on the physical action
of the door lock locking and unlocking-arming and disarming.
When the key is inseted into the drivers door,
turned left to ground the alarm wire, then left to
get in, it disarms the factory system at the same time.
By grounding the wire. If you do it prior to the door locks,
then it would stay grounded out and inert.