Car Alarms: Setup for Omega Alarm, alarm system, omega
You sent me a manual for the Omega K-9 alarm system bc I want the alarm to arm itself after awhile if I didnt set it, from what ive seen in the manual I have to push the button 5 times then 11 times i do that but the alarm doesnt arm itself. The thing is my alarm doesnt have a large button and it has a red LED (not like the ones in the manual), it has 1 button to arm and 1 button to disarm (Same size with little locks on the buttons) and one little button below these two buttons where you can set the alarm silently. Now my question is what button should i press after pushing the button in my car 11 times? I have pushed them all but still the alarm doesnt arm itself.
Thanks & Brgds, JC Coello
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