QuestionI need to do a permanent PATS by pass on my 2004 Ford Ranger. If I read the ad
right the PKFM will do it. Do I need two keys to program it? All I have is one.
Read article by Robert Martin about using a constant chassis ground on the
module. Second question, do I need the remote to make it all work?
AnswerNo not necessary to add remote start to do it.
But both modules will require 2 keys to program
it for sure. And the car engine MUST start to
program the module too. So all criteria must
be met before a bypass can happen.
With transponder type immobilizers, the resistor
in the key head is the "key" to this trouble
with the PATS you are having. The reader
in the ignition is not picking up the RF signal
and not allowing for start. This means 2 keys are
needed to program to the ignition system, and
the PKFM is required. Yell at Ford.