Car Alarms: 850 glt alarm, 12 volt, alarm system
QuestionI have a 1995 GLT I had a hard time starting it and drained the battery, I took the battery out and charged it to 100% I reinstalled the battery and now it wont even turnover ,or even click I had a mechanic look at it he tried jumping the starter with no luck it wasnt getting any juice from battery so he jumped it straight from a new battery with the same results.He said he thinks there is something in the alarm system that stops a car from starting is this a real possibility? What is your advise I dont have any volvo shops for about 100 miles from where I live. Thank You
AnswerHello & sorry but I am away from my desk
for the Evening.
Please restate this inquiry at my 12 volt
installers Forum at .
I am certain that this will be solved
for you there within a couple of hours.
Good luck.