Car Alarms: 95 Nissan Altima Security Reset, nissan altima, car alarm

About 2 weeks ago, I locked myself out of the car and had to open a door from outside the window. Well this set the car alarm off, and ever since I haven't been able to reset the thing. I didn't have the lock keys at the time, though I had the ignition key, and after reading about how the alarm system could be shut off via key in the front side driver door, I went to a locksmith, had the keys made and the door lock coils tuned up. After installing them, I've found no progress with this method, though I may simply have them in wrong or perhaps even the security clamp is wrong. I don't believe this has a valet switch, although if it does, it is well hidden. Any extra information on this would be wonderful, the last time this happened fuses blew. Also, would the siren itself being disconnected have anything to do with the door lock method not working?

Car Alarms: 95 Nissan Altima Security Reset, nissan altima, car alarm
A little re direction...
You are almost there. Locate the GREEN/YELLOW
wire in the drivers door harness going through
the cabin to door jamb.

Once found, splice n ground it to the frame.
No more "OEM" security, but leaves it vulnerable.

I suggest you get an alarm to take over where this
one leaves off.

Good luck.