Car Alarms: 1998 mercury mustique factory alarm problems, mercury mystique, door locks
Questionafter losing the remote to my 1998 mercury mystique, the alarm was set off and the car would not start bc it was going off. so after trying disconnecting the battery and disconnecting the alarm system, the remote was found. so i connected the battery and when i went plug the alarm system back in i accidentally put the plug onto the wrong prongs and it started smoking. i quickly plugged it in correctly and the door locks started locking and unlocking like crazy. the car started and i got it home, but now i am having no luck even starting it. the locks still go crazy when i hook up the alarm system. all i want to do is bypass the alarm system, because i dont need it anyway. i read that i could ground out a certain wire and it will fix the problem. where can it be found and what color would it be? thanks a lot!
AnswerHello & sorry but I am away from my desk
for the Evening.
Please restate this inquiry at my 12 volt
installers Forum at .
I am certain that this will be solved
for you there within a couple of hours.
Good luck.