QuestionQUESTION: Hello. I have galaxy 5000rs-2w alarm system and wanted to know if it would work in a 1999 Honda lx accord manual transmission. I asked because on the base it says automatic transmission only but i think that's only for the turbo timer. If there is someway it will work what all feature will not work?
ANSWER: No sir, it will not work safely on that car.
Try the 5000 RS M for manual trans.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: When you say safely what do you mean?
AnswerIt means without safety protchols like
parking brake detection/override and preset
required trigger detection, adding an auto starter to
a manual transmission system is unsafe.
Without overrides in place you can damage a car, but
more importantly, you could try to start it in gear,
and can make the car lurch forward, hurting or
killing someone.
You knew that was the answer, but if it's unclear,
I hope this helped clear that up.