Car Alarms: Car Alarm for 2005 Toyota Corolla, priority mail, 2005 toyota corolla

QUESTION: I have a '05 Corolla with manual locks and windows. I am trying to find actuators to install in my doors to have the power lock/unlock feature, then in turn install an alarm, but I'm having difficulty finding the actuators. Do I need them to install an alarm or do they make basic alarms that just prevent theft? I don't necessarily need the power lock/unlock function, it would be nice, but an alarm for me is most important right now.

ANSWER: You can outfit the vehicle with a car alarm and central
locking kit for under 100.00 shipped.

Let me know if you'd like me to put together a useful,
long range system you can do yourself.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'd love that! I don't want to pay and arm and a leg for install + all the parts, so if I can do it myself that'd be great. I have wiring experience so I know that basics. How much would it cost for what we're talking about? An alarm + lock kit?

Ok, cool. ;>)
  For ease of installation, my choice here is the Galaxy G20
alarm with keyless outputs, paired to the
Commando 4 door locking kit would be 85.00
plus 14.99 for S&H to anywhere in the continental US.

Not hard at all to install the alarm, the doors take a bit of
doing learning on the first one, then the rest
are easier. All in all, not a hard car to work on.

If this meets your approval, have paypal?
If so, send 99.95 to [email protected] ,
and it will ship out 3 day priority mail within
the next 24 hours.

The vehicle notes and project info will follow
be email to you for review so you are ready when the items
get there.

Good little system with solid remotes for the money!
