Car Alarms: Car will Not Turn Over, 99 chrysler lhs, chrysler lhs

I got a problem I have a 99 Chrysler LHS with the Advantguard alarm with blackjack feature and microwave sensor, basically its loaded. Right now everything is working in my car except its not turning over. I had a mechanic come in and look at it at first he told me it was the body module and I order one and had it put in and its still not working. Now he is talking about jumping around the alarm, because his car scanner won't allow him to talk to module. I spend some money on this alarm when it first came out 10 years ago now he talking about jumping around it(if he jumps around it the alarm will become no good). So I was wondering is there away for me to reset it without jumping around it. Right now the car is in valet mode and the dash led is soild. The factory alarm is off, but the guy think the immobilser is still activated. Thank you for your time


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