Car Alarms: bmw 330 ci, 2004 bmw 330, chanse

I owned a 2004 bmw 330 ci.  I parked the car in a mall and when I came back it was gone.  Poilce reports indicated that the car was involved in a chanse(thus was running) and then lost the police.  The car was eventually found burned.  I just wanted to know how they were able to start the car and drive it.  I do understand that it is easy to gain access to bmws by drilling the locks.  I just dont understand how they go it started.  Any help would be appreciated

Good question. I don't have a good answer
you however.

But, please re write
this question & try one of the techs
in my forum at:

Ask your question there, and someone should be
able to chime in for some help.

Good luck.