QuestionI recently accidentally left my battery on all day, and killed it. I had to buy a new battery (This one was worn out). We got it installed, reset the radio, and guaranteed that everything possible is turned off. However, the car makes a repeated beeping noise every couple seconds for about a minute, stops for a few seconds, and starts again. Using the reset toggle and button fixes this problem temporarily, but every time I try to start my car again after leaving it for a few minutes, the beeping comes back, and it must be reset again. Is there a way to fix this short of professional maintenance? (P.S., I'm driving a 1994 Honda Accord EX. The light that accompanies the beeping is behind the steering wheel (just under the HUD) to the left, and flashes red.) Thanks a bunch!
I am away from my desk for the next couple of days.
Please restate this inquiry at my 12 volt
installers Forum at .
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for you there within a couple of hours.
Good luck.