QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I have a 2005 Tahoe with the content theft deterrent system - which seems to function normally - EXCEPT - the indicator light is on continuously. When the vehicle is locked, and preparing to arm, it is at normal brightness. Once armed, instead of going off, it dims considerably, but stays a constant on. It maintains this level at all other times, whether the system is activated or not. It flickers slightly, more noticably and annoyingly at night. I'd be happy to just disable the entire system if I could eliminate the damn thing. Any help appreciated!
ANSWER: To start, look under the dash area for a button or,
a toggle switch. When you locate it, turn on the
ignition key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.=VALET/OVERIDE
This stops the alarm except for the keyless
entry if installed. The next step is to
either remove the alarm or, try to identify,
and get new remotes for it. To get the notes
for removing it, go to .
But once in Valet mode, it will allow the car
to start and operate like there was no alarm at all.
Let me know how it goes.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your help. If there's a switch, no valet is going to find it. But I think I didn't describe my problem well enough. This "content alarm" is a factory thing, unrelated to their "passlock", which is the ignition anti-theft system. Vehicle starts and operates normally, and the content alarm works OK; its just that the light stays on when it should be off; and its very dim, and flickers slightly, almost like a bad ground somewhere. The local GM dealer suggested replacing what they call a BCM - to the tune of $400+. Said it might be cheaper than the hourly rate for looking for this thing. Before that happens, black tape will go over the stupid light. But if you have any further thoughts, that would be great - if I could determine whether or not the indicator was a plain old bulb, I'd just get into the cluster and pull it, but nobody seems to know. Thanks.
AnswerShort of disabling the PASSLOCK II system totally, ya got me.
I would say it's a gremlin that you may be able
to track down, but the light is tapped into
the PASSLOCK and the only way to bypass it is
is the PLJX kit (
Pricey way to shut off a light though....