Car Alarms: Upgrading to remote start, chevy malibu, remote keyless entry

I have a 2001 Chevy Malibu with a Pursuit Pro 9232 remote keyless entry. I'd like to add remote start to my car. What's the best option? I'd like to do the install myself to save some money. I see Pursuit has a few remote starts but they're dealer only - can they be purchased anywhere online? Or should I go with a new remote system? Thanks!

To add a slave starter is the way to go since
the control system is there already.

Have a look at the Excalibur 110 RS at
or the GALAXY 2000 MDL system.

Either of those paired to the PLJX kit will meet your needs for
a great addition to what you already have,

Let me know if I can put it together for you and send
out the notes for the project.


[email protected]