QuestionQUESTION: Hi I Have other Jeep 1996 Cherokee, factory installed alarm, what else I may install to improve security ?
ANSWER: You can do quite alot actually. Do you want to add remote keyless,
car alarm/remote starter and more?
I need you to help me narrow down your desired features.
Please shop at the following sites
to see what suits your needs, and we can work
out a good deal for you. :>)
Let me know what I can do for you.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your answer, about your comments I don't care about remote start or entry, just be sure car can't be start once the alarm is activate, remember is a factory one, looks to be good, don't know if it will disable the starter or other feature in the computer. Will you add a starting or gas pump disable device ? Best Regards
AnswerI can add starter kill to anything I sell there.
But specifically if no keyless entry or alarm
is needed, go to and see the
ASTRA 100 S 1 button remote starter on sale.
I can include the starter disable relay for free on
that one. If that appeals to you click on the payment
link for it there and it
will be sent immediately.