QuestionQUESTION: Keyless Entry will lock and unlock doors. LED light on dash stays on and blinks. When trying to turn ignition car does nothing. Dash lights work, hazards work but headlights will not come on.
I have looked everywhere under the dash for the valet/override switch but cannot find it. What are my options if no valet switch exists on this model. Ford Focus SE Wagon.
thank you for your time and this site.
ANSWER: Hard to tell what you have there.
This car has it's own security (PATS)
and would shut down the fuel injector rail.
If this is the issue, and bypass kit is needed.
If there is a siren involved, this would be an
after market system with starter kill. When the
key is turned on, there would be ZERO noise or response
from the starter. If PATS, it will try to start by die
each time.
Which is your issue?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: There is no siren involved. When the key is turned on there is Zero noise or response.
It is like it is getting no power to the starter. I am sure it is some kind of starter kill. My wife was in the car and turned it off, let the kids out and went to start it back and this is where we ended up.
If it is some type of starter kill can I bypass the alarm?
Thank you very much for you time and knowledge.
Well, without inspection it's hard to say.
If this is aftermarket there would be
a relay installed in line (see attached pic)
If this does not exist in the ignition
system (STARTER IS GRAY/BLACK at ign switch)
Then you will definately need to have this
looked at by a pro to determine the issue.