Car Alarms: 05 Honda CRV Karr alarm sensitivity adjust, karr alarm, honda crv

My CRV will begin alarming for no apparent reason during warm days.  I have actually hosed the car down with water and it stopped alarming after that.  I am looking for the Sensitivity shock adjustment screw that my manual says I have to adjust to tweak down the sensitivity.  It says that it under or on my steering column.  Well, I can't find it and was wondering if anyone can give me a little help.  Thanks,

No sorry, I don't sell or service they're equipment.
Here. As a matter of fact, I have never worked with
any of they're equipment come to think of it.

Please go direct for the answers you need.
(1-800-960-KARR (5277)) or
to locate they're site, and write to a representitive who
should be able to provide you with all
the information you need.

I hope you can get this squared away.

Good luck.