Car Alarms: Resetting System in 1998 Subaru Legacy, keyless entry system, subaru legacy

I saw this on your website-I'm having the same problem.  My car battery died because I left the inside lights on,
I got the car jumped (it runs fine), but the hazards on the front of the car, the red lights on the back of the car, and the display in the car where the speedometer etc are is flashing when the car is off.  I've been told that this might be the security system needs to be reset.  I don't have the electronic clicker for the car anymore.  I was told to look for a button under the drivers side dash around the steering column...and to press it.  I can't find a button anywhere to press.  Any ideas where specifically the button is?  In the mean time i'm just disconnecting the battery everytime I park the car.

"I lost the original fob for my factory alarm/keyless entry system.  I have the spare, but it doesn't work and a dealership mechanic says the battery is still good.  The car sat in the garage for a while and the battery died, now that it's charged, the alarm is going off and I can't shut it off or start the car.  How can I manually reset and disable the alarm? "

It's an after market system
from your description.

Alrighty, try this:

  You'll need to set off the alarm for a few seconds.
then, look under the dash area for a button or, a toggle
switch. I can also be located in a window glass
mounted antenna if this also gas a remote starter.
Without it, removal and repair are the only

When you locate it, turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.

At this point. the alarm would have reset.
If this had a starter kill relay installed,
it would now be opened, and the engine would
turn over when tried. This is override/reset.

You would repeat these steps to go back to
user mode but in your case, I'd leave it this
way until you can have a service technician
get under there and remove/replace & repair.
DO NOT leave this system in there or your
headache will get worse.

Let me know what you discover
& if you want to upgrade to a
better, more reliable system.