Car Alarms: Checkmate Model KD-150 Alarm, grand am gt, web telephone

My car sat, I tried to start it, it clicked and wouldn't turn over. I charged the battery to full charge, but now it seems the alarm won't allow me to start the car. A mini-manual says to refer to the Valet Switch instructions to disarm the system and reset the starter circuit. These instructions never came with my car. I bought this 2002 Grand Am Gt new and still have all paperwork. I'm also having trouble locating the valet switch, I've been looking all over for it. The dash has two small red lights, one in the center above the radio, and the other all the way to the left of the steering wheel near the blinker arm that flashes.

Let me reffer you to my forum moderator's comment on this:


"Ok Called the NY Company Karning Devices who make the Checkmate products but dont advertise in anyway, & not ever on the web. Telephone number is 001 516 747 4265 (If you have a checkmate alarm)""

The best thing to do is to look to them for the answers you

I don't have anything to offer for it, so I hope they
can get this done for you.