Car Alarms: Alarm for 09 Honda Civic DX-VP, power door locks, code alarm

I just purchase a Honda Civic DX-VP. I like to get recommendations on a security alarm w/ remote start. I'm planning to install it my self so good documentation is a plus. The car had a Code Alarm installed as an option from the dealership but I had it remove in my opinion $900 is a bit much for an alarm specially when the car doesn't come with power door locks.
I would like the unit to be able to also start the car as AZ summers are extremely hot. Any recommendation is greatly appreciated as I will try to install it my self.

Wow :>(
What nerve these dealers have!

Have a look at the GALAXY 5000 Rs unit at
for 89.95 and add the IM05 bypass kit for the transponder
in the ignition=79.95 and you have what I would install here.
Add a 2 (30.) or 4 (55.) door locking kit and have keyless entry.

WAY below what the dealer wants for the features offered.
And this is not the hardest install ever either, so in my opinion
you can do MUCH netter all the way around then to spend
900. at Honda for a sub standard alarm system without keyless
or remote start.

Let me know if I can put together an order
for you.

813 850-5000