Car Alarms: 1996 Nissan Altima security system, nissan altima, replacement remotes

Greetings! I'm having trouble with my '96 Nissan Altima. Sometimes, the alarm kicks off automatically and prevents me from starting the car - the red light in the console flashes, the lights turn on and off, and the ignition won't work. I have no idea how to turn this off and don't know much about the alarm system since I bought it second hand. I'm also not sure if this is related, but lately the car has been auto-unlocking itself. Any advice or thoughts you have would be great! Thank you!

Ok, "factory alarms" do NOT set themselves after 20-30 seconds,
or have a siren that "chirps."

Each after market alarm is different. The best way
to determine what you have is to go to a site that
identifies and sells replacement remotes like , use the FCC ID # on the back of the

Once you know the manufacturer, look up the web site,
and try to download the manual for it. In the manual,
you should find the procedure to change the feature settings,
like last door arming (passive) to "active" arming when
YOU must arm it for it to work. Then locate the shock sensor
and turn it down or, off.

Also, to place it into "OVERRIDE", locate the under dash
valet button or, switch. Then put the key in, turn to
the on position, just before cranking and press in
and hold the button until you get a response from the
siren. This should be override. Leave it this way until you get
some solid info on what you have in there.

Let me know what you figure out.