Car Alarms: alarm relay, remote car starter, chevy suburban

Hello I just recently bought a Scytek Deluxe remote car starter for my 94 Chevy Suburban on Ebay the person I got it from says this truck needs two relays but best if I get a Scytek plug-in door lock polarity inverter module first I wanted to ask is this true. Secondly where can I but this inverter module besides Ebay? thanks for your help

The truck has Positive door locks.
2 relays and sockets, or a DLR from Scytek
would be required to interface the locks.

I carry both.

1 is 19.00 for the DLR and
or the 2 relays n sockets
are 15.00 Add 6.95 s&h for shipping to

Login to your PAYPAL if interested,
and send that total and the choice to
[email protected] and I will ship
immediately along with instructions.

Have a nice day.
