Car Alarms: remote start triggers alarm in cold weather, 2008 f350 ford, resident technicians

I had problems with my remote start triggering as soon as the engine cranked preventing my truck from starting. I had it replaced and the problem continued. I just had it replaced again with a code alarm CA611. Now in very cold weather, my 2008 f350 Ford gas engine truck starts and triggers the alarm. With this alarm I can press the unlock and the alarm stops sounding. I can then press lock and it sets without sounding or stopping the engine. If the truck has been driven and is warm there is no problem. It only happens if the truck is cold and the weather in in the teens or lower.
This is the third alarm and although the problem is better with this one, it is still a problem. My alarm tech is stumped and so am I. Can you help?

That's hard to say what the problem could
be without first hand inspection. If you
would, restate this question in my installers
forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project.

More eyes on this may shake
an idea loose.

They can go into a more detailed assistance
you might need on this project.

Good luck there.