I own a 12 year old british mazda that has an aftermarket alarm with central locking. It's marked "Delta DA-280" but looks nothing like the alarm that can be found on google with that name.
Unfortunately, the central locking solenoids have seized up and it doesn't seem to be wired in correctly to the door opening sensors so was pretty useless - you could open any of the doors or the trunk and the alarm would stay silent!
To top it all off, I've just lost the only remote control that came with the car and so it's currently immobilised.
I've tried using the alarm key to switch it to "Off" but that does nothing, so I've had to pull the plug on the box for now.
I'd like to rip the whole lot out and return the car to its original state: is this possible and, if so, what parts of the car's original electric system will it have hooked into?
I'm guessing I'd need to look for where the starter wire runs to the ignition switch and reconnect that, but I'm not sure how it would have tapped into the door sensors.
Any advice much appreciated!
AnswerPretty involved to explain
in one sitting. Try this....
To start with, I would look at and
work backwards to extract the wiring and affect repairs
as you go.
The next is get the wiring for the car at
and then it'll be relatively easy to identify what's
there, and do what you need to do to finish the job safely.
This makes your project much more managable.