QuestionI recently installed a Autopage 727 remote start/alarm in my accord and for some reason it start and then runs for about ten seconds and then shuts off and tries to start again. I have all the bypasses and stuff installed (had to give up one key to put in the dash and the green key light on the dash turns on) but the thing that baffles me is that occasionally it will start and run like it suppose to. What do you guys think is happening here? Should i give it a couple of days because the computer is just adjusting to the new remote start?
AnswerNope, the transponder bypass kit used is not seated correctly.
This is why it runs and stops. You also may need to connect
the tach sensor if not done yet, so it can
"read" the engines RPM rate.
Attend to those and see what you come up with.
(the bypass MUST see the "sweet spot" that allows for
remote start everytime, or it'll always, "try n die".
Keep working, not done yet.