Car Alarms: Security Alarm on a 2007 Honda Civic., honda civic, 2007 honda civic

the problem is that when I leave my key in the ignition and go out of the car, the security system locks the car with the keys in it. The car does have the auto lock so that when I leave the car it will auto lock with 30 sec, if I haven't used the control. I have brought the car 3 times to the dealer and they say that is the way if works, but I don't think that it should. They said the only correction would be to reprogram so that the auto lock feature is taken out. doesn't seem proper. Help!!

Without the manual, the procedure to go from passive arming to
active arming can't be done.

You will need to identify the system you have,
then reset the feature settings. Since all alarm systems
have differing procedures, this is the only way to make the
change you want.

Using your remote, locate the manufacturer and get the manual
to make the changes. Start at
to ID what you have.