QuestionI have a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo and every time I go to get a remote starter installed they tell me I need some type of extra module or something because of my car type. I am currently online trying to purchase a remote starter which is cheaper and I am trying to figure out if the universal bypass module is the one i need or if i need something different. Please assist.
AnswerOk, well they are right.
Blame JEEP!
Have a look:
Specifically, you want the combo unit for door locks
and security override modules.
There are 2.
IM532- Locks/Gen. 2 BP - Programmable Platform#532: Doorlock Control + RF Override
Firmware: CHDL7 3.00
IM532- Locks/Gen. 2 BP Programmable Combo Door Lock & Alarm Control Interface w/2nd gen. (2004+) Sentry Key RF Transponder Bypass. IM532- Locks/Gen. 2 BP preloaded w/ upgradeable firmware (CHDL7) for 2004+ Chrysler, Dodge & Jeep. Primary controls incl.: door locks, 2 sliding doors, factory alarm, trunk/hatch release, door pin status output(-) & MUX 2nd starter activation. Transponder chip included for bypass via RF induction using loop antenna. *Programmable firmwares available for all Chrylser, Dodge & Jeep model years.=100.00
DB-CHDL7P2 - Chrysler Doorlock Alarm Interface + RF Transponder Bypass
Combo data bus door lock & alarm interface + 2 generation Chrysler Sentry key RF transponder bypass. Data bus functions include: Lock/Unlock, Rear Hatch release, OEM factory security Arm/Disarm, Starter Enable (MUX), Door status trigger output(-). RF functions include: transponder override via RF loop induction method. Sentry key transponder included. = 100.00
That's before the purchase of any remote starter system.
So again, it is a difficult vehicle up front, and
the parts needed to interface are expensive but
absolutely required.
The universal module WILL NOT work on this one.
Good luck.