Car Alarms: re-seting after market car alarm system, car alarm system, muffler system

I have a 2001 Ford Mustang, V6. There is an after market alarm system installed w/remote entry.(lock, unlock, panic) I had welding done on muffler system, they re-started car, I drove it back to work and it sat for 6 hours. When leaving, unlocked car, sat inside, alarm accidently went off. After getting alarm to stop, car wouldn't start. Seems there is some sort of shut off switch with gas line. It wants to start, but won't turn over. How can I turn alarm off or reset. Car is still at work. Help!

Troublesome system, and not an uncommon issue
by a long shot.

this vehicle's PATS key based engine disabling system,
and it is about to, or has already stopped recognizing
your key. This is not the after market system
or it would not engage the starter to crank at all.

You will likely need to reset the PATS &
reprogram the keys at Ford.

Now after that's done, my expertise is in disabling
the PATS for remote start applications,
but if it's me, on this car, I would suggest
the IM04-XK04 bypass kit to get around the
issue for good.

This Bypass Module is designed to momentarilly
allow the engine to remote start by sending a proper
coded pulse to open the fuel rail passlock injector
cut off circuit.

The output from an alarm/remote starter
would then shut down the pulse, once it has detected
the engine has engaged, and preserve the integrity
of the PATS system.

That is it's designed purpose.

However, in your case, this input wire on
the IM04-XK04 bypass kit, instead of going to a
momentary ground pulse from an
alarm/remote starter, would go to a
constant chassis ground, through
the bypass module, grounding out the PATS.
The PATS would always be bypassed as long
as that wire is chassis grounded.

IMPORTANT! You MUST have the original programmed
keys to program the bypass module!
Then any store bought key will work.
One key will do it, but if you try the others
after bypass has been achieved, they will
NOT work!

Again, I can not speak about a damaged PATS system,
like if a thief has destroyed it, because I do not
get into this part of FORD'S security application.
But as a happy coincidence to installing
after market remote starters, this does work on bypassing
trnasponder in most all FORD vehicles we've run into,
including your year FORD vehicle as well.

I can't guaranty it would work here,
but for 70.00 might be the best shot you have
before the "total" diagnosis can be verified.

I'm confident it will work on this one
as well.


Robert Martin-ALARMTEK/CEO
Master Technician
Mobile Security Electronics