QuestionI have a bit problem. I drive a 96 VW Jetta deisel. I Just had the starter in my car fixed like a week ago. I drove it for 5 hours without a problem. I let it sit for two hours, and tried to start it and my alarm started going off. My lock did not previously work, so I never had it locked, and I cannot use the door locks. Not I was use the locks inside to lock it but once I step out I won't be able to unlock it. But the alarm will keep going off when i try to start it. Is there anyway I can get my car going so that the alarm won't sound and I can start my car??
AnswerAh, sorry I do apologize,
but my expertise is in after
market vehicle alarm systems.
I suggest talking to one of the
techs in my Forum about this one.
Please go to
re state this inquiry there.
I am certain my guys will be
happy to assist if possible.
I hope you find the answer/solution
to your issue.