Car Alarms: Range Rover P38 Alarm, range rover p38, 4 digits

The car does not start since the Car main battery went flat/dead after a month of no starting(holidays).The alarm is flashing meaning its ARMED and a message in the dashboard saying the engine is disable,Please put the KEYCODE.I found out a 4 digits code on the card but do not know how to imput the code.All electrical commands do not obeiy nor function.(windows,fans,sunroof,etc).Already change the batteries in the remote control but nothing.

Ah, sorry I do apologize,
but my expertise is in after
market vehicle alarm systems.

I suggest talking to one of the
techs in my Forum about this one.

Please go to
re state this inquiry there.
I am certain my guys will be
happy to assist if possible.

I hope you find the answer/solution
to your issue.
