Car Alarms: Problems I may Encounter, customers cars, laundry list
QuestionHello Alarmtek- I installed a Ready-Remote on my wifes car, and found the install to be very straight-forward and everything works as expected. I am an electrician and also a student of electronics, so all of the install makes perfect sense to me. The guy at the auto parts store who sold me the remote is asking me to think about installing these products in customers cars (as a moonlight business of my own). I am thinking very seriously about this, but I don't know what kinds of things to expect as far as "top Ten" problems I will have if I install remote starts. With that being said, what are some of the worst things that can/will happen to me when I do these installs?? Can you address three areas- 1)the install itself (problems with alarm systems or other car wiring?) 2) The people you deal with (pushy,dissatisfied, don't pay??) and finally 3) Liability- any problems with possible damages/lawsuits?/ Sorry for the long laundry list, but I'm sure you have run into all of the above, and I will strongly value any advice that you can give- thanks for listening- Bill
AnswerThere are some pitfalls here. But it's a discussion
best suited to a phone call rather then a
writen blurb about it.
If serious about making this a 2nd carrer, contact me
at 813 850-5000 during the day, and ask questions about
this. Allot to go over.