Car Alarms: Chev Silverado alarm, gm passlock, alarmtek

QUESTION: My 2006 Chev Silverado truck alarm keep going off at random times and random locations with no one near by. Could there be a faulty sensor and how would I find out what might be the problem.  I am fairly good with electronics and want to know if there is any back yard test that can identify the problem.

ANSWER: Please be more descriptive if possible.


I need to determine whether it's a factory alarm
issue or, if it's an aftermarket system you are
dealing with.

Is it: Headlights flashing, car horn honking
and a worded SECURITY" light in the dash flashing?
(doubtfull since none of the notes show this
car as having a factory alarm system)=FACTORY


is it: flashing parking lights,
an LED in the dash area, and a siren
going off?= AFTER MARKET

Let me know more on this to better
advise you on a course of action
to take.

Best Regards,

Robert Martin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The alarm is a factory one.  Horn honks and lights flash and sometimes it will do it twice in 15 minutes and shut off by its self if I don't get out to shut it off (my coworker tells me).  I can tell the alarm has gone off when I unlock the door because the horn beeps lightly 4 times. I can,t take it to a dealer because its intermittent and they don't have the foggiest clue anyway. I was hoping that someone else had the same problem and had found a fix for it.


Well, it's on GM to make this correction.
You can try a bypass to shut down the PASSLOCK for good,
but you might need more. I think you should
talk to my PASSLOCK guru.

Ok, just between you and me, and about
10,000 visitors a day, let me have you write
to my GM PASSLOCK Guru at

[email protected]

And state your case.
This guy KNOW's his stuff
about all things PASSLOCK.

Get his take on this too.


Tell him I said Hi! ;>)