QuestionI have a remote keyless car alarm for my 93 toyota mx-6. it is not an original alarm system. the remote is a Sherwood R200
I had my parking lights on overnight. I got a friend to give me a jump start. After the batteries were enabled, I tried starting my car. My alarm went off, and went crazy as soon as I turned the key. I removed the key, and pushed the deactivate on the remote, and it went off.
It has not come on since then. no response at all.
I had actually forgot to enable the lock/alarm before the battery drain, so it was unlocked.
There is a blinking red light on this. it used to flash depending on the alarm in silent or normal or off. Also there is a switch that can turn the alarm from silent to normal. the light is now on or off depending on the switch. Does not blink at all.
Do I need to reset something on the alarm? reprogram it?
AnswerThat's hard to say what the problem could
be without first hand inspection. If you
would, restate this question in my installers
forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project. More eyes on this may shake
an idea loose.
They can go into a more detailed assistance
you might need on this project.
Good luck there.