QuestionQUESTION: I came outside this morning to get in my car and the keyless remote didnt work so i unlocked it with the key which in turn set off the alarm which i couldnt turn off with the remote the either. How do you manually disable the alarm? Its a 2002 mazda protege 5.I bought it second hand about two months ago. The keyless entry is after market and the brand is astrostart.
ANSWER: This system depends on the physical action
of the door lock locking and unlocking-arming and disarming.
If you have a factory remote, that would do this
to specifications. Short of that.
disarming the "factory" system
can only be achieved 3 ways:
1. Use key in the drivers door, turn left,
then right to disarm and unlock.
2. Add an after market keyless entry system to emulate
the factory remote functions. I have several models
if this option suits you.
3. Acquire or, replace the original remote that
can control it as specified. This would be at the
local dealership parts department.
Keep in mind, if this is after market
(siren and flashing parking lights)
then it's a different method entirely.
The standard method to disableis as follows:
Look under the dash area for a button or, a toggle
switch. When you locate it, turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid. If it's a toggle type,
then key on, flip the switch in the other direction
This would be OVERRIDE/VALET mode.
Repeat this process to toggle back to service mode.
I hope this helped.
R. Martin - ALARMTEK
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have a few more questions. First, is it good or bad for your vehicle when you let it idle; be it just when its parked after having driven it for a while already or say when you let it run to warm it up in cold weather? Also, my car recently started reving really low almost to the point of stalling whenever I'm not actually driving it. Be it when I'm parked at a stop light, have it running just to warm it up or parked for a bit or even when I'm driving if i take my foot off the accelerator and push in the clutch it'll rev so low it sounds like its very close to stalling(its a manual transmissions). Fortunately as of yet it hasn't stalled on me. Would you by chance have any idea as to the diagnosis for this problem? And lastly, would you by chance have any idea as to how to get my keyless remote up and working again? Since that morning that my keyless entry failed to work every other one of its functions has stopped working completely. All it does now is beep when i press any of its buttons. I mentioned it to a friend and she said she had something similar happen to her and the cause of it had been using both the main keyless remote as well as the spare. The brand of my keyless remote is Astro Start if that helps at all. Thanks again for your answer to my last question. It was very hopeful.
AnswerThat's hard to say what the problem could
be without first hand inspection. If you
would, restate this question in my installers
forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project.
More eyes on this may shake
an idea loose.
They can go into a more detailed assistance
you might need on this project.
Good luck there.