QuestionAt 1:30 in the morning my car horn started blowing. My daughter and I located the fuse box in the front of the car by the battery and pulled the horn fuse. Now two days later I have no headlights. What am I dealing with? I have no expertise. I am out of work and need to figure out the most inexpensive way to repair this. Is this the alarm system, the wiring system, or do I just need to replace the headlights? My car clicker is also now not operating correctly. I have to open and lock the car manually. Thanks for any help you can give.
AnswerIt sounds power/charging system related.
But from my vantage point, hard to tell.
Best bet is to take it in to Pontiac
for an 80. diagnostic session.
Doing this is good for maintanance
as well as pinpointing any annomolies
that may be lurking in there.
Put the fuse back it, and call for an appointment asap.