Car Alarms: 2000 HOnda prelude ANTI THEFT ALARM, beep beep beep, valet mode

I just recently bought this car and slowly trying to figure out how to use it. Mind you, I have absolutly no idea about cars LOL!! Anyways, Like any other day i put the key in the ignition and i started to drive off. As I was driving off the alarm just started to go on. BEEP BEEP BEEP, as i was driving on the road. So i decided to stop turn the ignition off took the keys outta the ignition and waited for about 5 seconds. After that i put the keys back in the ignition and turned it on andstarted to drive again.... However 15 seconds later the alarm went off again while i was driving. I got annoyed so i drove back home (with that stupid alarm going off) and just parked my car in teh drive way. I didnt bother driving it to work anymore bcuz i didnt know how to turn that sound off... Later that day my brother test drove it and said it was perfectly fine no sounds from the alarm was going off while he was driving....I have absolutly no idea why it sounded off when i was driving it maybe im just bad luck?? LOL!! I want to know why that happened in the first place..

Seems to be in long tamper mode. No idea why though.
Ok, to try to disarm it,
look under the dash area for a button or,
a toggle switch. When you locate it, turn on the
ignition key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.=VALET/OVERIDE

This stops the alarm except for the keyless
entry if installed. Once in Valet mode,
it will allow the car to start and operate
like there was no alarm at all.

The next step is if wanting to remove it,
you contact a local technician to
locate it, and affect neccesary service
for you.

That should solve the troubles for now.

Let me know what you discover.