Car Alarms: Intermittant remote unlock for Nissan Frontier 2004, peter paine, valet mode


Firstly I would like to thankyou regarding your answer to the "valet" mode on this particular model of vehicle - it was driving me nuts :)

Anyway. I own a 2004 Nissan Frontier diesel with factory installed alarm. Everything works fine except the door locks. When remotely unlocking the vehicle with the remote, sometimes all doors unlock, however most of the time only the drivers door unlocks. If I relock/unlock usually about twice more all the doors will unlock.
At the moment, I am getting in and pressing the all doors unlock button to open all the doors, allowing my fiance and guests to get in the car.
When locking the car, all doors lock without problem.
I thought it might be related to the position of doors before remotely locking the vehicle but can't see the difference.
Don't know about a child lock, but would appreciate your advice.

Kind regards,

Peter Paine  

If yours is indeed a factory system,
I suggest talking to one of the
techs in my Forum about this one.

Please go to
re state this inquiry there.
I am certain my guys will be
happy to assist if possible.

I hope you find the answer/solution
to your issue.
