Car Alarms: Disable Auto Lock on 2006 Nissan Pathfinder, 2006 nissan pathfinder, nissan pathfinder

When doors are unlocked using the unlock button on the key FOB the doors automatically re-lock themselves within a minute.

When I am at the dirtbike track and unlock the vehicle using the FOB, set the keys on the seat (so they don't get lost) close the door (because of the dust) ... then suddenly the doors go locked automatically.

How do I disable this feature??



It's an after market system if it locks the
doors automatically.

This means you need your users manual to find out
how to toggle between feature settings (on and off).

Try a site like to
use your FCC ID # to identify what you have,
then look for the manual online for it with
google. If they have a good web site, should
have a download section for it.

Best way to solve this actually.